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Meet Dan


Dear Sponsors,
My name is Daniel. I am 14 years old. I thank you all for supporting us in everything. My life before Raining Hope was not easy. Life was hard to live. But when I joined Raining Hope, everything changed and I know I will reach my destiny.


My dream is to become a businessman. Raining Hope has helped me in achieving my dreams by paying my school fees and also given me a chance to serve in church as an instrumentalist.  Right now I play a keyboard. I am so grateful and thank all of you for the work that you are doing. I pray that the Lord bless you abundantly.

It has been 10 years since we shifted from being Living Hope to Raining Hope. We are celebrating a 10 year anniversary with Mum Kisakye. I pray that the Lord strengthen you and continue guiding you in whatever you do. I also pray that Mum Kisakye will continue to be strengthened and be used by God in whatever she does.

I love you all! Thank you!

Happy 10th Anniversary!

Birthday: May 8, 2005
Dream: To become a businessman

Dan plays the keyboards as part of the worship team. His favorite subject is English and Science. He loves playing soccer.

His favorite Bible verse is John 3:16 “ For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

Meet Our Students

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Meet Joan

Dear Sponsors,

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus. My name is Joan and I am 29 years old.
We are so grateful for the support and love given to us by you. Thank you for the prayers you offer up on our behalf.


My life before I joined Raining Hope was so hard. I did not know Christ because I was not saved. I didn’t have school fees so I was at home. I didn’t grow up with my parents.

When I joined Raining Hope I received Christ as my personal Savior. I was able to go back to school and I found a better family at Raining Hope. I discovered a love I never had. Raining Hope has given me an opportunity to know God more and grow in my spiritual life as I deepen my relationship with Him. I do sing at church and do interpretation. I am pursuing a degree in Social Work and Social Administration.

All this has been made possible through your support and love. Thank you for standing with us and thank you for standing with Mum Kisakye as well. We love you and we pray for you always.

Happy 10th Anniversary!
Love, Joan

Birthday: May 20, 1990
Dream: To become a social worker

Joan is studying to become the social worker for Raining Hope staff.

She also is part of the worship team for Raining Hope ministries as

well as an interpreter.
Joan also leads the Singles’ Ministry

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Sylvia, Joan & Vivian

Meet Zuluta

Dear Sponsors:

My name is Zuluta from the Raining Hope family in Africa. I am 16 years old. I thank you all for supporting us from the USA. Thank you as well for supporting our Mum Kisakye and encouraging her. We are so happy to have her in our lives as the Raining Hope family.

Before I came to Raining Hope I didn’t have hope to study or be anything in this world. I even used to think that I was born to suffer and not to be well in this world. The reasons why I used to think like that is because I saw my family struggling and I used to see my mum always crying out for support. But when I joined Raining Hope I saw my life beginning to change. I see myself getting there in my future. Raining Hope made me what I am today and is making me what I will be in future days to come. Raining Hope is my everything in my life.


But the most high thing that I want to thank Raining Hope for is making known the creator of the Universe to me - GOD! When I accepted Christ, I got to understand that he can change my name from a person who is hopeless and powerless to a person who has hope and power. I got to know that even if a situation is worse, God can change everything to become better. Raining Hope is my everything.


I have a dream of becoming an accountant. Through my Raining Hope family and studies I see myself achieving it. I know and I trust God who is loving and caring to make what I hope for become reality. Thank you all for loving and caring and supporting in the way you do.


I love you all!

Happy 10th Anniversary



Birthday: April 9, 2003

Dream: To become an accountant

She loves volleyball.

Her favorite subject in school is math.

Her favorite Bible verse is Proverbs 1:7, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge,but fools despise wisdom and instruction”.

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Meet Maria

Praise the Lord! My name is Maria. I am 19 years old. I want to thank you for your love and support towards the Raining Hope family. I also want to thank God for enabling and using you in each and everything you are doing there in the US for us. We are seeing the greatness of God in this family. If I remember my story I just thank God for His love and care. It was in 2009 when I was four years old that my dad died and left me with my mother and brothers in a hard situation.
My mom had no business that she could make money but tried her best to look for what to eat and wear, and money for rent to live and school fees for us to study. Sometimes I would go to school and they would chase me for fees where I would come back home for a term. But I thank God for the day I entered Raining Hope where my life changed. I received Jesus as my Lord and Savior.


I go to school without being chased for fees and every school requirement is provided. I eat and drink at any time. God is working in my life and in ministry. I can’t give him anything but to praise, worship and read His Word. My dream is to become a chef and great worshiper of God.

The Raining Hope family has enabled me to go to school and achieve my dreams through learning Home Economics and it’s all about cooking, baking and how to maintain a clean house. When I am at the house I try
out my practicals I have learned at school. At church ministry I am in the choir. I like dancing, praising and worshiping God and spiritually growing. God is using Uncle Godfrey to teach me God’s Word.

I thank God for the gift of life He has given to Mum Kisakye. I also thank God for using Mum all these years because she has been a great, loving and caring woman of God because she has been there for us in every situation. Thanks to all of you who have never given up on us even when times have been hard. I pray that God continues to give her and all of you knowledge & wisdom in everything that you do. I am thankful for the way the sponsors stand by Mum Kisakye and the Raining Hope family. I am always praying for all of you and love you all so much!
Happy 10th Anniversary!

Birthday:March 15, 2001
Dream: To become a chef & great worshiper of God.  Maria is on

the worship team. She loves singing.  Her prayer request is that

she may "become a great woman of God and always serve Him

in power to bless His people.”

One of her favorite Bible verses is Isaiah 54:4, “Fear not, for you will not be put to shame; And do not feel humiliated, for you will not be disgraced; But you will forget the shame of your youth, and the reproach of your widowhood you will remember no more.”


Meet Jael


Dear Sponsors,
Praise the Lord! I am Jael. I am 11 years old and am in Primary Five. I want to be a doctor when I grow up.
Thank you for your support, love and care.
Love you all!
Happy 10th Anniversary & Happy New Year!
Love, Jael

Birthday: January 21, 2009
Jael is Godfrey & Irene’s second daughter out of five. Jael’s hobby is cooking Her favorite subject is math. Jael wants to become a doctor.
She loves Proverbs 3:5 - “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.”

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Meet Tamarah


My name is Tamarah. I am writing this letter to testify about my life and thank you for what you have done for me since my childhood at Raining Hope.  Before I came to Raining Hope, I lived in very terrible conditions. My mum got pregnant when in school, left her family to start life off on her own. Unfortunately, life failed and she went back home where her family mistreated her. By that time she had already given birth to me.


As I grew, she tried to find money so I could go to school but was not successful. One day she saw children inside a compound which turned out to be Raining Hope. She entered to see if they could also take me in as she continued to look for money. After some time they allowed me to join. When I came I found different categories of people but all were Christians by faith. I was feeling out of place because I was muslim. But when I came to Raining Hope, I changed. I starting seeing God as the only way to live and I received Him as my Lord and Savior.

I always had a dream of being an accountant but I never even dreamed it could come true.  Slowly by slowly I started studying. I am being encouraged by people at Raining Hope. They are committed to helping me pursue my accounting dream. I appreciate their goodness upon my dreams.

I am taking this opportunity to thank Mum Kisakye for listening to God so that she does the will of God. Thanks mum for everything. You have been a blessing to my life since I joined Raining Hope. You are always there and are a part of my story.

I am thankful for my sponsors, Kelly and her family. Thank you for not leaving mum alone. You have continued to support me through Raining Hope. Thanks. You have made my life brilliant.  Thanks to the Raining Hope family and Pastor Godfrey. He has always been an example for me to learn. He has given me food of life which is the Word of God. I have not remained the same. My life changed since he came to Raining Hope. He is a strong man who never gives up even when we are in difficult situations. He has always shown me love and directed me whenever I have gone wrong. All of you and mum have made me a successful girl. It puts a smile on my face to be a part of a loving family. I love you mum and I always pray that God may bless you so that you live more longer and proper in life and pray you will be a blessing to the whole world.

May God be with you all and never forsake you because you are His and He is yours. The book of Mark has blessed my life this year. Mark 6:5-13 (Sending out the Twelve).

Happy 10th Anniversary!  I love you all!

Birthday: January 30, 2003
Dream: To become an accountant.

Tamarah loves to play basketball.

Her favorite subject in school is English.

One of her favorite Bible verses is John 3:16, “For God so loved the world

that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall

not perish but have eternal life.”

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Meet Irene - Our Staff

Hello sponsors! I greet you all in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. I humbly write to you this letter just to thank you all and our dear Mum Kisakye for the love, care and support you have given to us. Before life was hard but ever since you came in our lives, we have experienced hope and joy each day. Raining Hope children have grown up spiritually and are serving in ministry just because of your love and support. Their future is bright and their dreams are getting realized. Mum Kisakye has been a great mother to me, a mentor and friend. You have all been always by our side to pray for us, encourage us and love us.  I appreciate the effort, love, care and sacrifice that you give to us. It is amazing.
God bless you all.


Love you all!
Happy 10th Anniversary!

Birthday: February 22, 1986

Irene is Godfrey’s wife. They have five beautiful children, Jemimah, Jael, Jireh, Hope & Trust.  Irene is instrumental in the home as a parent to all the children & support to Godfrey. She used to have a small business selling vegetables. She now sells necklaces that are handmade. She would like to have another business in town to help support the Raining Hope family.

Meet Hope
Birthday: January 5, 2015
Godfrey and Irene pray that Hope will spread the Word of God. She likes talking to others and making friends. She is reasonable and open to learning. Hope likes singing and telling others what to do. Ha ha! She is funny!

Praise God sponsors,
We love you and thank you for all you are doing for us and Mammy and Daddy.
I am in Top class and next year I will join Primary one.  When I grow up I want to be a pilot and fly planes.  Through your support I know I will make it. I love the color red and my favorite meal is rice and chicken.


I miss you Mum Kisakye and love you all!

Happy 10th anniversary
Bye Bye,


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Meet Sylvia


Dear Sponsors:

Praise the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Greetings from Raining Hope. I am Sylvia and I am 25 years old.
I want to take this opportunity and thank all the sponsors for the great support, care, love and prayers that you render unto us. I highly want to appreciate all your efforts and your kind hearts

My life before Raining Hope was so tough and challenging. I had lost hopes of pursuing my dream as a broadcaster. My parents could not afford my school fees.  It was such a trying moment for me as a young girl. But as I joined Raining Hope a lot changed. I joined school and I pursued a diploma in journalism. This is all because of the great support I attained. I am glad to see my dreams coming true.

Still, through Raining Hope I have learned a lot. God has really been faithful to me. I lead the church worship team and have seen God working awesomely in my ministry. Currently, as I wait upon the Lord I am working with
Raining Hope and it’s such a great honor and pleasure.

I want to thank you again for the great support and the love you show us through Mum Kisakye who has been a
blessing all these years.


Thank you and wishing you the best of 2020 and a beautiful 10th Anniversary!

Lots of Love,

Birthday:January 14, 1995
Dream: To become a journalist.
Sylvia is one of the leaders of the worship team. They have choir practice on Saturdays and Sunday nights.
“It has been my desire to be the voice to the voiceless and to proclaim the name of Jesus in this field of journalism. Pray that God uses me mightily to reach out to the broken souls and give them courage.”



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Meet Our Staff - Hellen

My name is Hellen Kataike, I am now 60 years old. I want to thank God for his love and grace that he has shown me through Raining Hope. Before I joined Raining Hope as a support staff helping in cooking, my
life was a struggle. I couldn’t meet basic needs as a woman and I had no husband to take care of me in any way.


When I got a job at Raining Hope, through my earnings I started seeing a difference in my life. I
could help myself and my children. I have known God more and grown in my relationship with God through Raining Hope. This month of January, I will be retiring from active work.


In a special way, I would love to thank all the sponsors especially Mum Eydie Kisakye for the love you have shown me and all the children. I want to thank my Pastor and manager, Godfrey for all his love and care unto
me. It has been a special moment to serve the children and the entire ministry of Raining Hope as a
cook. I will forever be grateful for the kindness of the Lord and His goodness that he has shown me at
Raining Hope.


I pray that the Lord will continue to use you in the lives of all these children here at Raining Hope. Pray also for me that wherever I will be, I will serve God and have a better old age.

I love you all.
Happy New Year

Hellen loves singing and charity work.
Her dream is to help others.
One of her favorite Bible verses:
Psalm 2:1 - “Why do the nations conspire and the people plot in vain?”

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​Executive Director:

Eydie M. Miskel

(805) 340-7612

© 2024 Raining Hope Incorporated

​Find us: 

Raining Hope Offices

3451 Foothill Road #206

Ventura, CA 93003

Corporate Information:

Raining Hope is a registered 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization Fed Tax ID #27-0947020

All donations are tax deductible in full or in part.

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